Kenya! The land of beauty and opportunity

Wow! How beautiful Kenya is, the white mountain tops to the savanna green grasslands, from the sandy beaches all the way to the green forests.

Kenya’s politics just changed and we are all going to change with it. She is going to change as well. The Nairobi govenor just unveiled how painful his whip is. Corruption will become a forgotten thing and mismanagement of the funds will follow it. No more will we talk of a corrupt Kenya with all the professionals heading our ministries.

However, clever devils are the worst of the worst. We should be wary of the brilliant minds we put into office for their character and will at heart should be angelic-white.

Back on track!!!!

Didn’t I tell to just trust the guy who is upstairs when you have no freaking clue about a damn thing you are supposed to do or when u can do nothing else but watch and wait. He sees everything and does a lot. Just trust in him. I love art. Someone who loves art should have seen St.George’s picture slaying a dragon. However piece of art I am talking about is an optical illusion after studying his face and the rest appears in his hair. I’ll give you a link to it soon. Bye

Am stuck!

I am doing my final project and am really stuck for a whole two days. Lord God, help me out! I pray and believe that today is my day of success. I heard that the ship sinks just when it is about to reach the port. Just when it is almost there is when it gives up and whoa! Just infront of it was the dry land. DRY LAND! IF YOU ARE LIKE ME HANG ON FOR ONCE ‘CAUSE YOU ARE ALMOST THERE, JUST TAKES A LITTL E MORE PATIENCE AND JUST KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING! DON’T EVEN REDUCE YOUR PACE. INCREEEEASE IT!

We have a LIVING LORD who hails in heaven and is our protector and sustainer.

Naaaaaaaah! BUT Def Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!

Compare my todays red and yesterday’s colour. Yap! I felt really strange changing the colour BUT luckily or apparently I didn’t die. Am still alive! N very kicking. I can kick higher than Jackie Chan and his croonies. Jus kidding!

Anyway. POTUS proved it possible. A black president for America. The first at that. Who ever thought it could have happened. Their soldiers are back home. Some of the terrorists who terrorised Bush are no more! In Kenya, we have a young president and for once his biggest adversary accepted defeat. Whoa! Aint that change.

But with all that change comes the strange part. Let me talk about the paradox of our times.

Harold Isaacs talked about the paradox of our times. Sociopolitical changes in our world today are creating havoc. The more global our science and technology, the more tribal our politics; the more universal our system of communications, the less we know what to communicate; the closer we get to other planets, the less we are able to live a tolerable existence on our planet; the more it becomes apparent that human beings cannot survive decently with their separateness, the more separate they become. What with all the divorces, the wars(intelligence at that). Give it a thought

The orientation in this era is towards the future

Today am gonna talk about the paradigm shifts. A paradigm a world view underlying the theories and methodology about the way of life. One of them is the orientation. Orientation has experienced various paradigm shifts through the agrarian era, industrial era and eventually the era that we live in, the information era.

During the agrarian era, the orientation was towards the past. During this era, elders were the most respected people. Farmers learnt from the past how to plant and harvest.

During the industrial era, people were oriented towards the present whereby things had to be done ad hoc. People got out there and had it done. With industries and all, elders and the past did not determine much of what happened since they did not have the experience and this was a new field. Industries then were a very new thing.

Right now, all we talk and think about is information. We have numerous information systems. We are in the information era. Our orientation is towards the future. All the leaders talk about is the youth and how they will shape the future. A lot of planning and looking into the future is being conducted. Everyone is looking at the young generation. There is much concern for child abuse even if the behavior is one very old.

A little more about paradigm shifts and our world today that will amaze you. Harold Isaacs talked about the paradox of our times. Sociopolitical changes in our world today are creating havoc. The more global our science and technology, the more tribal our politics; the more universal our system of communications, the less we know what to communicate; the closer we get to other planets, the less we are able to live a tolerable existence on our planet; the more it becomes apparent that human beings cannot survive decently with their separateness, the more separate they become. What with all the divorces, the wars(intelligence at that). Give it a thought

Women! Anger!

Am gonna start this post by saying shit happens! Even if we lie a lot or a little, shit still happens and you should also know that. Let’s sing Soulja Boy’s song: I woke up early in the morning round a crack of doughnuts, waive to my neighbours like wassup (Oh! I don’t have neighbours so sorry bout that) Then I turn it up that bang in my trunk all my ladies … show me love. Wait! Stop now, first I woke up too early so all that followed was in my head as I dreamt.

But anyway as Tunechi said. I ain’t got no worries. Peace yall. I am educated and very learned just said that as a … Fill it in if you really know English, if not you really don’t know it that good.

Anyway, shit happens and anger management is one of the few things I like to cherish since mastering it will take you through your worst times ever. When you are down and when you feel like you need some motivation. When you feel like someone just demolished you. S/he put charges on you and detonated you. And you are all in pieces everywhere! BTW I AM CREATING AN APP TO HELP YOU THROUGH THIS TRYING TIME(S). I WILL FIRST RELEASE THE NOKIA SERIES 40 VERSION THEN LATER THE SMARTPHONES VERSION. Even when you feel like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Everything is going bad but guess what! You are on the verge of success.

I had the luxury to check out a highly placed politician cruise through Westlands with his escort as the escort almost hit me. The escort flagged down all incoming cars and made off very fast leaving everyone in a daze. Road safety! Examples! Leaders! Wat are you doing to our beautiful and safe roads. All in the name of political power yet your efforts as leaders cannot be seen, let alone… I had just been thinking earlier in the day about how a famous American rapper had gotten diplomatic immunity. Funny enough though, through the video that he had uploaded showing of this document curtailing him diplomatic immunity status, the status was wrongly spelt. DIPOLMATIC IMMUNITY!… the paper read in black and white. That is quite an embarrassment to such a person. How illiterate can one be. Even for your close ones! I wonder why he still hadn’t withdrawn the video from the famous site since the comments made by many people spell that out very clearly. What’s with diplomatic immunity and status since our Kenyan parliamentarians tried to award themselves with it. Diplomatic immunity has a lot of benefits. The said person cannot be prosecuted in another country unless it is waived. For this to happen, the person should be facing serious charges. His immunity can only be waived by his country. The person can also be prosecuted by his country. The person also has many other financial benefits and exempts.