Android developers!

If you are having a problem trying to run some code for encryption and keep getting the error javax.crypto.badPadding error then you have to change the how you use the security object from the package;

This error only occurs for API 4.2 but any other below you are good to go.

Here is the code

The following code will produce two different outputs on pre-Android 4.2 and Android 4.2:

SecureRandom rand = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
Log.i(TAG, "rand.getProvider(): " + rand.getProvider().getName());

On pre-4.2 devices:

rand.getProvider: Crypto

On 4.2 devices:

rand.getProvider: AndroidOpenSSL

SO what happens is that every time you run it, it generates a new rawKey everytime you run it.

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