Android developers!

If you are having a problem trying to run some code for encryption and keep getting the error javax.crypto.badPadding error then you have to change the how you use the security object from the package;

This error only occurs for API 4.2 but any other below you are good to go.

Here is the code

The following code will produce two different outputs on pre-Android 4.2 and Android 4.2:

SecureRandom rand = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
Log.i(TAG, "rand.getProvider(): " + rand.getProvider().getName());

On pre-4.2 devices:

rand.getProvider: Crypto

On 4.2 devices:

rand.getProvider: AndroidOpenSSL

SO what happens is that every time you run it, it generates a new rawKey everytime you run it.


Wednesday is just wednesday. It’s a MID-WEEK DAY!!! It’s not fun and you are almost getting tired of the week.

Not like Mondays when you are fresh outta the weekend mode and full of energy. Fridays when you happy since the weekend is just starting and you can’t wait what’s in store.

Nano technology! Quantum computers

I know it sounds kinda complex but both have a thing in common. Both are miniature computers but using very different technologies and they are currently more of theoritical and not completely practical.

Nano technology is basically miniaturized computers with the current technology. However, Quantum computers is a little more complex since they run using atoms and not processors as we are used to. Quantum computers are real but research has not come out with a universal quantum computer which we can use and will definitely replace the current microprocessor computers.

Down goes Silicon Valley in San Francisco! In the next 20 to 30 years silicon valley will be no more since the world will be using quantum computers.

Researchers were able to calculate five times three using 7 atoms. The only problem with quantum computers is that atoms are not stable when put together and cannot stand some temperatures but can do very well at temperatures at temperatures of about zero degrees celcius. That means that a quantum computer can break any code that the CIA makes without much effort.

Let’s compare both computers. All are as small as an atom or molecule and their processing powers and capabilities are the same. Let’s see which will dominate!

Bye! Bye! My future beings.