Breaking the flow

For us to achieve what we want in life and become part of that small group which is purple. Purple is loyalty! Purple is luxury! Purple is elegant! Purple stands out wherever it is!

For us to stand out from the crowd, we have to do things differently at times. We have to think without a box and not outside the box. We have to do what we think will get us there and not what other people are doing. We have to achieve as much as possible whether others are achieving or not. It is our duty to achieve our purpose in life. To achieve the purpose we were created for.

We were created for a purpose which is unique for all of us and should therefore not look at what others are doing.

Stand out to do what is right and what will give you that extra edge. As long as it is not wrong, do it. Be the first to do such a thing.

Creation! Not God! Not Blasphemy!

Creation!!!!? Mmmhhhhhhh! Yeah creation meaning you dreaming of something and working your asss off towards achieving it. It’s very easy. There are two creations and you have to be involved completely in both for you to succeed.

In the first creation, you perceive the situation all in your mind. This perception has to be full. You need to feel the emotions and the feeling of everything that will be there as it would feel. This is where we start for most of us. If not, make it a habit to start here. Starting with the end in mind. After perceiving the end, you now work your way towards it still in mind. As in, How the hell are you gonna get there? How are you gonna achieve that? This helps you identify in full what you need to do.

Now the second creation is working your ass off to make sure it happens in reality. Got it? It takes time and perfection and resilience And all that other stuff we might say. Remember, never lose hope or slow down but move even faster, work harder and take time to review your actions and compass towards it. A compass is much more efficient than a road map.

True!!!!??? rEAL!!!

Today. True! True! Ain’t lies but the truth. Nothing else but the truth. I hope we all get it. Being real and the truth are the same thing. We all have to be real and we can only achieve it if we are true to everyone else and ourselves.


I know you are wondering why today’s blog is called today but how many times do we wake up everyday and live our past.

Whoa! Wow! This is new. Yeah! I meant that we live everyday like it was yesterday. We wake up and do things as if they are normal. Wake up tomorrow and think about it. What can you do today that will benefit you in the future that you don’t do. Just take at least thirty minutes to think about your life and all the challenges that you are facing. The saying that you should think twice before you act is true. As true as your existence and breathe.

Think about it/them things and you will find that you had all the solutions close to you. We are humans and don’t like change that much. But we repeat the same mistakes everyday. Take today and think about it. All your shortcomings so far are not new but have happened before and you could have prevented had you known beforehand.

Stop for a minute in your busy and fast life to think and strategize. That job that you currently have is not your best. Work harder and get a promotion or change your job. Work harder and make a change at your working place. Improve everyday!

Leave that post, leave those behaviours to others who are new at it. There are many who have not yet reached where you are right now but if you do not move they will  catch up and soon overtake you. Never get too comfy.

Take everyday as it comes and take sometime to think about it at the beginning of the day. at the end congratulate yourself and think of all the mistakes you made and try and work towards improvement.

Human beings are said to be superior because of many things. One of them is the ability to think about their reasoning! Think about it! That’s for another day. Feel free to remind me on any topic that I have left uncompleted.